Surfrider Foundation’s North Coast Chapter and partners are working proactively to improve shoreline management and protect public beaches along Oregon’s north coast. Clatsop County is working on updating its comprehensive plan specifically addressing management of estuaries (Goal 16), coastal shorelands (Goal 17), and beaches and dunes (Goal 18). These “Goals,” which have the force of law, are the fundamental structure of Oregon’s statewide land use planning system and are executed through local plans. At stake are future policies concerning such issues as shoreline armoring, public access, development in dune areas, and cable crossings of the shoreline.
Each year mother nature continues to take bites out of our public beaches. A host of climate change events, from more severe storms and erosion events to sea level rise, are shrinking one of our most valuable coastal recreational assets and requiring us to rethink how we manage static shoreline development, with an ever-changing public beach. Local land use planning decisions and comprehensive plans are the guiding principles and laws for how we manage these public resources. Ultimately, it is these plans that will guide the decision making that supports our fate to adapt to climate change and protect public beaches or possibly lose them all together.
So Surfrider Foundation has teamed up with partners like Oregon Shores and legal experts to review and make climate-forward recommendations to Clatsop County’s Comprehensive planning. As part of our Oregon Beaches Forever campaign, we will seek to organize widespread involvement in the planning process, advocating for the strongest possible conservation provisions, once it becomes clear when the public comment period will begin.
Key areas of the planning we hope to improve include:
You can visit Clatsop County’s comprehensive plan update website to view the county’s public information about the plan update and find links to the current language in the plan relating to the goals under review.
***This Campaign is a part of the Oregon Beaches Forever Campaign. We’re looking to raise 10,000 voices to safeguard Oregon’s Beaches – add your voice here today!***